
By ayearinthelife

Seasons In The Sun

We’re back in familiar territory tonight, after last nights excursion “up cost” as they say in these parts. We went down well in Whitehaven, though there was some incredulity that we’d travelled all the way there from Barrow. I got the impression that anything further afield than Workington was a foreign country as far as the folk of Whitehaven are concerned. Taking the long way home last night, via the band’s namesake road - A66 - and the M6 proved the right decision. I was home at the same time that the sat nav suggested I’d be back if I took the much shorter - but twistier - route through the lakes.
No such problems getting to Ulverston though, and we’ve played at The Sun before. The only issue is the lack of space for the band, but we’ve managed to squeeze everything in. One difference from last night is that the place has been full from the get go, with lots of people up dancing. First set went down well, now it’s time to start again. But at least I’ll be home a bit earlier tonight.

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