
By Madchickenwoman


Up early ( for me!) to get my covid jab. Couldn't believe that last time I was at this Town Hall I hadn't noticed the mural! I still have many more to find in Callington with their fabulous Mural Trail - 14 at the last count! There is a tiled mural going up - does tiling count as a mural?!! I found this one amusing as the day of the eclipse we had heavy cloud so couldn't actually see it!!!
Once home I got a message from Nellie of The Woods saying she would drop by for a coffee. She was mortified to realise the jab was today as I had asked her to go with me. I guessed she had forgotten or got caught up in family things. I actually preferred going by myself - another sign I'm doing better! 
After our long chat - art vs artist, knife wielding youths - she had watched a programme detailing how young children were "groomed" to be part of a gang and commit knife attacks. Plus a bit of local gossip!! The guy who made such a fuss about the planters I had made in my part of the backlane ( did I talk about this?  He even consulted a solicitor to make me remove them!!! Very unpleasant man!) well apparently he has a new target - his next door neighbour! He complained about the distinct smell of cannabis drifting into his garden! Calstock is notorious for the locals use of it - I get wafts from my neighbour! This should be interesting as the culprit is the new partner of the Green councillor! She got to know him when she and her husband had work done on her house - next thing they were getting divorced and he moved in! I believe the marriage was already on the rocks. But he left his wife two children to be with her and her three children! Oh it all goes on in our village! 
After our chat I walked home with her with Oscar 0- who is overjoyed every time she visits! Considering she was scared of dogs it's lovely how well the two of them get on! 

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