Naughty blipper

I just haven’t managed to blip anything the last few days ;-P

Nothing very much exciting has happened. We’ve had tons of rain, dare I say too much, and yesterday Mr C and I made an attempt at tidying our bedroom. Some headway was made.

We had an early lunch and then headed over to Sim’s late afternoon to meet everyone for mulled wine and mince pies before we all walked across the road to enjoy a small firework display.  They ask for donations as you enter the park and I have to say it’s a pretty good display for that.  O was great and didn’t need the ear defenders we took for him.

Rebecca told me last week that she had been dating someone for a little while and we got to meet him tonight too.  He seems a nice chap. I imagine he was probably a bit overwhelmed meeting us all in one fell swoop.

Not a great pic but tried to get Sim, Nat & O in the foreground.

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