The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Sweet Sorrow

Dear O'H dear & Lovely Tea Jenny,

And then it was time to leave. I buckled my seat belt and the tears started leaking down my face. There was never going to be enough time but I knew that before I even arrived. I have loved every minute: meeting Lil Dude, his face lighting up when he saw me in the morning*, hanging in my pjs drinking tea, chatting later than intended after dinner, THAT view, swimming in that view, being bubble buddies, my favourite lunches, and heading up North for a walk to the beach (you loved it), an afternoon playing Skip-Bo and a mad dash home at 10 pm.

So I am sad because I will (extra) miss you, but now when we chat, I can picture your world because I was lucky enough to be there.

Aroha nui,


*after his food - priorities

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