A Wonder Wheel At Winter Wonderland, Hyde Park

At last, after five days of more or less continuous rain the skies cleared and the sun came out, so at lunchtime I took a wander to Hyde Park to see the Winter Wonderland being set up for another year. The Big Wheel stood out against the trees and the rather beautiful sky so it seemed like a crime not to try and capture it.
I had yet more train shenanigans today. This time Southeastern seemed to deem it totally fine to send all their rush hour trains out with reduced toilets or none at all. It all smacks of the "that'll do" attitude that treats customers with contempt. Pack them in like sardines on dirty trains with crap facilities (pun intended) and think that it is any way acceptable. Another case of terrible British management where they literally don't seem to give a shit (another pun intended). 

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