Wall shadows

Took Kyro for early morning walk.  Children still hadn't got to school.  He clocked a stationary cat then the cat ran off.  Kyro started pulling on the lead, whining.  I'd manage to turn him away only to have him u-turn me in the U of the lead, took myself out only to have process repeated several times.  Eventually able to move round a corner away and walk a different road until at the end a squirrel scurried across the road and disappeared.  More pulling, u-turning with the lead, loud whining, and my arm being nearly pulled out of socket!  A woman  early morning gardening stopped to see what commotion was about. I explained un unreachable squirrel. 

Felt exhausted by the time we reached home. Had breakfast then cycled to get as many errands achieved as possible: Waitrose dark, fruit&nut chocolate, refill store, market stalls x 4,Timpson to order dog tags.

Lunch ×3.

Afternoon walk.  Kyro calmer, responding well to 'wait' and 'cross'. Lead slack and walking to heel.  Also clocked neighbour's ginger and white cat and stopped.  I said 'leave' and he did and lead still slack.  Huge step forward. There might be a few backward slips but we're getting to a less tense walking mood.

Blip - Noticed shadows on hall wall as we returned.

Kyro is now resting his head against my leg sending up zzzz. 

Happy Friday and a pleasant evening everyone.

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