There’s a lion hound in there somewhere. I wonder if you can spot her? I know it’s extremely difficult to see her because she’s so well camouflaged in the long grass.
The morning was busy. My friend M left just before I made a cup of tea, and then Skyped lovely #2 brother who was seeking discussion and reassurance about some ideas to make life a little less scary for #3 brother who has dementia.
I worked in the garden to process that conversation. The tomatoes are planted in the tunnel and I potted on some small cucumber and melon plants.
Once I stopped I came to a complete halt and couldn’t get moving again. I was suddenly exhausted. So I found a few videos to watch and relaxed into a quiet afternoon. Fortunately there’s nothing in the diary tomorrow which can’t be postponed if I still feel under par.
A cosy evening lies ahead, curled up on the sofa with my dog.
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