River of Flowers

By doffy

Sunday: The Bird and the Bees

Another beautiful morning, temperature around 19°C for most of the day - incredible … ! SEE EXTRA …

As I was talking with my daughter on the phone I was looking through the window and saw a very large bumble bee on the Mahonia.

When I went out to take a photo the Mahonia was buzzing - lots of bumble bees and honey bees enjoying the nectar rich flowers.

I moved one of my pots to check on the “Bardsey daisy” 


when down swooped The Robin - moved half a dozen pots on the top wall, which has lots of moss growing on it, then left a very happy Robin to its foraging :-))

Did some family history - a very complicated part of the tree where cousins marrying cousins over a number of generations …

Went to the greenhouse to clear my head, potted on seedlings of lambs lettuce, American land cress and mixed lettuce, had some of the casualties as a mini salad for lunch :-)) The Robin was “supervising”/getting in the way!

Long-tailed tits in the pear tree late afternoon.

Lovely chat with our Jo and The Sailor who are very busy working on their home.
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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