People Who Matter

I walked up to the rugby club and watched the One & All in a ‘round robin’ afternoon with Stithians and Helston, they won one and lost one. An early kick off so as to head up to local rivals Penryn for the 1sts match. I thought about it, support the club and all that but in the end, no, there is only so many large defeats you can watch over a short period.
Instead it was home for England v Japan, more entertaining, warmer and cheaper beer!!

So to last night, I took my seat and looked up at the choir and thought “I recognise that singer”, service over and I waylaid him on the way out. Lee M….. was Joshua’s primary school teacher from year 4 onwards and Josh got on with him extremely well, so much so that along with his family, Mum, Dad & grandparents he counts Lee as one of the people who helped make him the young man he is today.
Josh still calls him Mr M…. and is going to call him when on leave and maybe fit in a beer together.
How old will Lee M…. feel then!

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