Remembrance Sunday

First up the Falmouth Commemoration, the weather stayed warm and dry for the parade and service. Attendance wise it looked to be back to pre pandemic levels and it was great to see so many youngsters from youth organisations attending.
I had time for a quick coffee before heading off to Truro for the county parade and service. I must admit to being taken a little by surprise by the afternoons events. Having been detailed as one of the Civic Party we met in the cathedral Retroquire for a cream tea/coffee reception where I had the opportunity to chat to the Mayor of Truro.
We processed to Boscawen Street for the service, wreath laying and march past, I slipped away from the civic party to join the Veterans for this part of the day.
The Service of Remembrance was where I was a little surprised, having asked the usher where I was to be seated I was led to the front of the cathedral and placed behind the Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff.
Great view of a great service.
Home on completion for dinner and a quiet evening with Mrs S, medals & stuff away for another year.

Todays montage is a collection of photographs taken during the Remembrance period.

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