Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Saturday — Four Pan Dinner

Dinner this evening was Mandarin Orange Chicken on a bed of rice with a side of sautéed zucchini and another side of sweet corn — four pans! REALLY? That’s ridiculous. Delicious, though, was the verdict. The chicken was baked; then out of the oven it was placed in the heated orange sauce, and that aspect of our meal is compliments of Trader Joe’s.

Our day started with an “almost surprise” visit from our former son-in-law (who is really like a son to us). We don’t see John very often because he sold his house here in our town this past June and moved over to the Claremont, Upland, Montclair area, which is approximately 20-30 minutes north of us.

This morning John had been in our SoCal area doing some mountain biking. Just before he got here, he phoned to see if he could drop by, hence the “almost” surprise. I was still in my Jammies enjoying another cup of Mr. Fun’s home brewed coffee when his call came and he was here in 5 minutes. He stayed for well over an hour and we enjoyed a wonderful visit.

So that was our Saturday,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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