Flash Bang Wallop

Started rehearsing the final number in the pantomime yesterday. This is the traditional big ensemble number which comes in after the baddy has been defeated and the principal boy and the princess have announced that they are to be married. The song is therefore quite apt and the good news for most of the cast is that we only have to sing the chorus.
But the bad news is that we are going to have to learn a dance to go with the singing. I have two left feet at the best of times and am basically incapable of keeping in step with everyone else unless the routine is extremely simple. Chuck in the added factors that my character has a hump, walks with a limp and is wearing hob nailed boots, and you can see that I was immediately trying to find a way to get out of doing the number.
I need not have worried though. The director and choreographer are well aware of my terpsichorean shortcomings and have allocated me the small - but I like to think vital - role of “man who appears from the wings with a camera during the chorus”
No doubt a large comedy camera with working flash will appear in due course, but for yesterday’s run through I contented myself with whipping out my phone at the appropriate juncture. Which meant I was able to capture this picture of the cast in action. Interesting that they automatically struck a pose, even though they didn’t actually know I was taking a photo. That’s actors for you!

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