It's a bit soggy!!!

Today my human was working 1-5pm so the plan was.................. go to 'Braidburn Valley Park' for an hour first thing and then go for another hours walk about 11am.

Best laid plans and all that...............................

When I went out for my 'first thing in the morning walk', it was absolutely chucking it down with rain, so I only trekked around the streets for about half an hour. You wouldn't believe how wet & stinky I got. Ann got pretty wet too, but she doesn't get stinky when she's wet.

At about 11am, Ann said, 'Trixie, this rain is not going to stop. If you want run about time, we will have to go out now.'  Obv I wanted run about time.  We did our circuit route through the grounds of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital (which takes about 40 mins) so at least I had some run about time. Haven't a clue where the squirrels were, I didn't see one single one. But at least I was off my lead. Yay! You wouldn't believe how wet & stinky I got. Ann got pretty wet too but she doesn't get stinky when she's wet.

Ann walked the 5 mins to work and got very wet. Then she had to go to the PO and got very wet. And then she walked 5 mins home and got very wet.

And then I got another little 10 min walk round the block. You wouldn't believe how wet and stinky I got. Ann got pretty wet too but she doesn't get stinky when she's wet.

…...............Soooooooooooooooo.......................... I've only had about 80mins of walks today. Ann likes me to have at least 2 hours of exercise every single day. But have I made a fuss? Of course, I haven't because I am the most adaptable little Collie pup ever.

PS – It's now 7pm and it's still raining.  Boooohoooo

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