NOT a big, long walk

Today we had a plan.............. The plan was to jump on a no. 26 bus, go to Seton Sands and walk back along the coast path to Portobello. ...............Best laid plans and all that. When we got up this morning it was absolutely chucking it down with rain, so I only got a little walk.

Ann said, 'Trixie, I'm sure that by the time we have had our breakfast the rain will have stopped. Ann caught up on an hour of Corrie and an hour of Eastenders. The rain didn't stop!

It rained and rained and rained and rained.

At 11am Ann said, 'Trixie, it doesn't look like we're going to be going on a big, long walk today. Let's go out for another little walk.' So that is what we did. Ann's coat and my lead & towel were still drenched from our first thing in the morning walk. However, Ann had the good idea of leaving my towel outside our flat door so that I could get dried before I actually went indoors.

When we came back from being drenched again, we watched another two hours of Eastenders and episode 8 of the Crown. And still it was raining. By this time it was 3.30pm and it was getting dark. Though to be honest, it's been so dark all day that we've had to have the lights on permanently. I got another 40 min trek around the streets on my lead, but I've had no run about time today. Boohoooo.

Watched episode 9 of the Crown when we got in. My human definitely needs some indoor hobbies?!
Ann hates it when she fritters away the day. She couldn't even be bothered to go to the supermarket because the rain was so heavy and the route, she takes to the supermarket is closed, so the traffic on the alternative route can add more than half an hour to a 10 min journey.

So here we are................ just after 6pm and the rain has stopped. But apparently I'm not going out again until it's time for my bedtime wee!!!

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