
By Croft16

RIP Ken Whaley..

Not many of you will have heard of Ken Whaley, I would find it difficult, no, impossible to name a song you're likely to know. But this man has played a big part in my musical life. He was a real gentleman, a talented bass player, song writer, and the original laid back hippie. This shot is a few hastily put together CD's, albums, and fliers..

He has played with many bands throughout his life, Help Yourself (a 1970's festival band who recorded 5 sublime albums). He briefly joined Welsh psychadelic band Man, for their 1974 album, Slow Motion. This band toured America, playing alongside Quicksilver Messenger Service. He had short appearances in Ducks Deluxe, and played on Ernie Graham's solo album.

He formed The Archers with fellow Help Yourself band member, Richard Treece, and these two played together in The Green Ray with Ken's younger brother Simon, and Simon Haspeck. It has only been recently that Ken has been too unwell to play.

I have been lucky enough to see him play, and talk to before and after shows an many occasions.

I will always remember arriving in Pontardawe, Wales for the Micky Jones's (Manband) memorial concert, to be greeted by Ken from the hotel fire escape "Hi ya Pete" he called out. We continued to shout a conversation from ground level to the third floor..

He always showed an interest in our move to Scotland, and what we were doing on the croft..

Goodbye Ken, and thanks for being you..

music, and I was there..

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