'Bloody Bollywood Wedding'

Woken before 7am by shouting and clanking about from next door. Their roof is being redone.  Needless to say this stirred up the hound. Donned coat and wellies over night clothes and took hound into back garden.  

Too much distraction: scents of squirrels, foxes, cats and leaves falling and next door's shouting and banging added to deterring Kyro from relieving himself. Walked around back garden for an nearly an hour before he complied.

Market shop day.  It was fairly quiet for a Friday. 

On my way back saw the Bollywood bride and groom filming.   This has happened a few times in the past.

Walk with hound before schools out time.

Shattered today, will try for an early night and possibly an extra half hour lie-in.

Pleasant Friday evening everyon

Not my words I hasten to add but those of a passerby.  I enjoyed watching the dancing groom. Filming a bride and groom here has happened a few times here.  

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