Place: St Pete Beach, FL 54/67
Main activity: Fri - Raleigh, packing
Notes: Woke in the 2a hour even with melatonin, finally got up to get phone and realized new phone doesn't have headphone jack so used old one, did 3 meditations and finally fell back to sleep. Feels-like temp 49 deg in the morning! Not very motivated all day, over to Vina by 9a, saw Joe and then stuff to Bette's and got Raleigh. Had him till 5p, took him back and then Joe came over and the 3 of us chatted about what's ahead (Moira accident, Joe driving to go get her, me staying w/ dogs and getting moved, etc) until after 6p. Took a bath, so tired and felt much later - to bed early.

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