Place: St Pete Beach, FL 52/66
Main activity: Thurs - more busy
Notes: Chilly morning! Left 745a-ish for TJs and Rollin Oats to get Thanksgiving stuff - went ok. Back and around the house, didn't have enough to load and go to storage but did lots of packing/organizing things and worked on new phone some more. This is first image with new phone tho I need to spend some time getting it set up better. Bette called around 3p, having a rough day. I finished getting ready and headed over, unloaded more stuff and did a couple things for her while she rested. Joe over then shortly and we headed out, stop at the bank for me on the way. This was a pro bono job for PARC just off Tyrone. Chilly night and found some big wet areas they will need to get fixed on the new roof! Joe & I stopped at Post Office and Publix for him on way back. I got my car and back a little after 7p.

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