What a lovely afternoon

Look who took me out for my walk this afternoon. Joe. I LOVE Joe. He's one of my favourite people. A couple of weeks ago Ann took me for a walk with Joe & his girlfriend, Kirsty, with a view to them taking me out by themselves. I'm 4 years old now and hardly anyone, apart from Ann, has looked after me. This is partly due to lock down and partly due to Ann being a very possessive collie pup mummy.

When Joe arrived, I gave him ever such a nice welcome. Then Ann clipped me on my lead, gave Joe one of my balls and some treats and said, 'Bye, Trixie, be a good girl'. And then she shut the door and I was left alone with Joe. Much as I love Joe, I was a little bit worried that Ann wasn't coming with us. For the first few yards I kept looking back to see if Ann was coming. Ann was being a neurotic collie pup mummy and was looking out the window watching me. But then I realised that I was going on a nice walk with one of my favourite humans and it didn't really matter if Ann was coming or not.

I have had the BEST afternoon ever. Joe took me through the Hermitage, and I did lots of running after my ball and lots of splish, splash, sploshing in the burn.

When Joe brought me home, he reported that I had been a very good girl, so Ann was very proud of me. I came back when I was called, and I didn't do any silly puppy jumping up. Phew!

Spending the afternoon with Joe was exhausting and it made me hungry because I hadn't bothered to eat my breakfast so after Joe left, I asked Ann for early dinner. It was only 4.15pm and I never, ever get my dinner before 5pm. However, Ann was sorting out paperwork and I just sat and stared at her until she gave in. And once I'd gobbled up all my dinner, I was still hungry, so Ann gave me a carrot. Yum. I'm fast asleep in my bed now.

Ann is sooooooo pleased that I had such a lovely time with Joe. She doesn't really need anyone to look after me (because one of the reasons she got me was so that she had someone to go on lovely long walks with) but it's always useful to have a back-up plan in case she gets ill or breaks her leg. She's hoping that Joe (& Kirsty) will take me out at least a couple more times before Christmas. Ann is working the two Sunday afternoons before Christmas and Joe has said that he'll pencil that into his diary phone. Yay!

I've had a fabulous afternoon. Thank you, Joe. Xxx

PS – Even though I was a perfect pooch, Joe was a bit naughty?! Do you want to know what he did?.......................... He accidently threw my ball into an inaccessible spot in the burn that I couldn't get to. So now it's lost forever. Boohooo. It doesn't really matter though as I still have 38 balls in my manky old balls box. Yay!

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