My Camera Never Lies

Except, in this digital age, it all too often does lie. Mrs C wanted to get some pictures of the KMF Trail runners yesterday, so I “volunteered” to run a couple of hundred yards up the hill towards her so she could check her camera settings.
Back at home, she wanted to edit the pictures she’d taken and asked if she could experiment with the ones she’d taken of me, to check what could be changed. And I was quite amazed by the result. The large picture was taken within a second of the smaller picture, yet you might not think so as several lampposts, a bench and the roof of a van have all been “removed”.
It’s clever, but I must confess to not being keen on the process. I prefer my photos to be as true a record of what I snapped as possible - warts and all! It’s also why I often have issues with some of the photos you see on social media these days.
Though, having said that, it might have been nice if she’d also taken a picture of the runners approaching the finishing line. And then photoshopped me right in front of them, crossing the line first. I’d have stuck that on Facebook in a flash!

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