Those t shirts

I thought I’d put the formal photo in given that we went for a walk in the woods in glorious sunshine expressly to take it.  You (deliberately) can’t read the writing clearly - indeed it took them a while to make it out but it has made us laugh all weekend.  The weather was spookily glorious - I don’t think I’ve ever had so much sun on my birthday. 

Theo and Louise came to lunch along with Carrie and Ingrid who were on their way to the airport.  It was an absolutely tremendous one.  V and we had a fantastic aubergine and feta salad followed by Texan chilli cooked yesterday so delicious.  Then roast plums and panacotta.  Very good fun.  

Everyone left around 5 and we collapsed!  Did a lot of washing up and slumped in front of the telly.  Two eps of Rogue Heroes, one rather good the next a bit irritating. I like it more when it doesn’t try to be Peaky Blinders. Back much better - ribs sore still 

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