out and about

I've made good use of my bus pass today! After driving to the garage to take D's car for its MOT, I caught the bus back and was home soon after 9am. A couple of hours later, I was on the community bus, which runs once a fortnight from Moniaive to Castle Douglas and passes by the end of our driveway. Later in the afternoon I caught another bus from Castle Douglas to Dumfries, and finally a bus to the garage to collect the car!

In Castle Douglas I had a lovely lunch at the home of my friends Anne and Eric, and a chat in front of the fire afterwards. I may have been steaming gently as I had walked through a  torrential downpour on my way, ducking into the Coop briefly as a respite.

My photo is of the beautiful candles in the window of Sunrise Wholefood Shop - I've played around with it a bit to make it a little more abstract :-)

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