
By Farmerboab

Sunday Morning Caesarian.......

Was busy feeding cattle first thing when wee brother phoned needing a hand to calve a cow .
So headed across with the calving jack.
The calf felt quite big and was coming backwards and was twisted sideways a bit, the cow was fairly small ,so rather than trying to calve it and possibly buggering up the cow in the process,we bit the bullet and phoned the vet.
I came home then took Littlemiss back over to help while I finished going round my own cows .
By the time I got back,the vet had a big live bull calf out the side door and was getting Littlemiss to help hold the uterus while he started to stitch everything back together.
My nephew and niece were also there to watch as it was her cow.
Hopefully everyone will survive,but you never know.
Spent the rest of the day playing catch up ,but got there eventually

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