Low Sunshine at Waas

A beautiful sunny day, breezy and dry.

A fine lazy Sunday morning, finally got up and going.  A load of washing out, and then walkies around the village. A slow walk this morning, plenty of folk out and about, including Laura, Shaun and Olly.  Headed to Madeline's for a cuppa.  Been out west to Sunday Teas in Waas and Aith, they had Christmas markets on.  Popped by Laura's in the late afternoon.  A quiet evening working in the shop.  Off to bed early. 

It's been a lovely day, hardly a cloud in the sky.  The low winter sun is a lovely one, but hard to drive in, and typical the low sun went behind the low clouds which appeared late on.  Sunset is now around 1520, and just to get earlier over the next three weeks.  Looking like a reasonable week of weather ahead, and hopefully more sunshine.  Taken at Waas Boating Club, (Walls). 

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