The Remains of the Prey
I'm sure Kazuo Ishiguro didn't have this in mind when he wrote his novel, which has nothing to do with this image except it came to mind as I uploaded it. The tiny remains of the fly remain in this sundew.
The fog hasn't lifted, and I really ought to have gone out in search of a foggy woodland shot. Alas, I have been idle and the light has gone already.
Today the ONS released the results of the (voluntary) religion question of the 2021 Census in England and Wales, and the news is all about there now being fewer than half the nation that identify themselves as Christian.
Welcome to the minority, folks. All I can say is, those nice people at ONS kindly sent me the raw data so I could extract from it the number of identified Druids in England and Wales... Guess.
No. Fewer than that. ;-)
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