
By Sonset25

Adopt stance!

Walked with Kyro to town, at least 40 minutes.
He was very good and allowed a lot of people to make a fuss of him.   

We bought a few items from the market which I passed to OH, while volunteering in the Oxfam bookshop to carry in bicycle panniers instead of dragging home.  

He met Andy who calls him Egyptian Keith - cross-referencing his former racing name with Kyro. 

The Blip is the well-planted stance Kyro adopts when spotting a squirrel or moving cat.   From this position he pulls with strong shoulders to get to the critter, almost screaming at the frustration.  Meanwhile I hold on tight and hold my ground until I can calm him or failing that use my legs and a short lead turn his head then front legs away from the small animals. It's still a battle of wills and my regard for his safety.   Usually he turns full circle back to face where the now long gone creature was and I repeat my turning him away each time getting a few steps further away.

On this occasion, the impossible task of catching the squirrel would have meant crossing a path, stream, bank and shinning up a tree.  

Today we met a lovely old lurcher and Rosie, gorgeous, cream brindle greyhound.  

We were out from 10.15am until a little after midday with only a two minute sit down on our homeward journey.  Finally, Kyro is exhausted on the sofa at 16.15.  My previous hounds never had his stamina. 

Off to make a pasta sauce with borlotti beans for dinner.  

Pleasant afternoon and evening everyone. 

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