By lizzie_birkett

Photo Night

I’m exhausted! We spent most of the day trying to fill in application forms with Tonya for the estate agent and Right Move. I’ve come across such complicated forms for renting a tiny flat! I hade to phone the estate agent 4 times for advice. There was no options for people who have never rented before but they kept asking for names and addresses of 3 previous landlords and would not allow Tonya to continue unless she had that!
We still haven’t completed them and will have to phone again tomorrow.
Grrrr! Also they wanted to know how much savings they have in the bank which we can understand as the Landlord will want to be sure they can pay the rent, but in Ukraine they never tell such information and also never give the security number on the back of the bank card but they had to do so today to pay the deposit. I asked is she was getting mixed up with not sharing a pin no but she said no it was the the 3 digit number on the back. They were quite anxious about it. Apparently in Ukraine a hand shake will do to rent a flat! There are obviously some major between life in Ukraine and here.
Tonya was getting a bit stressed out by all this which is understandable,
I mean her English is good but even I couldn’t make head nor tail of some of the questions. 
I had hoped for a stressless day to write some poems but that went all by the wayside as did making an apple crumble.
At least first thing this morning we got smelly Bella in the shower and now she looks all clean and fluffy.
After tea, Frank got the boxes of photos out and they both had a good 
laugh at him in his hippy days with long permed hair! They enjoyed looking at our past lives and found it funny to see Frank at Anna’s wedding with me on one side of him and ex wife Pat on the other. They were so surprised when I said we are friends :-D))
Anyway, it’s 8.20pm now and I’m going to write a bit then it’s book and bedtime!

Goodnight :-)X

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