By lizzie_birkett

Haw Grove Christmas Tree

This tree was planted by a neighbour a few years ago after being in her house each Christmas. It has grown into beautiful Christmas tree and another neighbour decorates it each year. This is the first time it has had lights on it though, It really brightens up our street.
I had to go into town today to choose my new reading specs. I had asked her to get red ones in, which she did but I didn’t like any of them, they were all dark red or bright pink. In the end I chose blue again with a greeny colour at the bottom of the frame. They hurt my purse a bit but needs must!

I was home by lunchtime and got the reference business sorted with Tonya. She’s been making the most adorable Christmas cards to sell at a craft fair in Settle. She’s going to get them printed on cards tomorrow.

I was trying to write tonight but Marc was messaging me - all good just now. He seems to have picked himself up again and we had a good chat about world problems, Russia and Ukraine etc. He’s great when he’s doing OK. Cooking good meals for himself, taking an interest in politics and the wider world. He’s rebuilt a resonator guitar which was in bits in a plastic bag. He’s clever like that. 

Anyway, book and bedtime for me!
Goodnight all ;-)X

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