Beannachtaí Bearcháin!

This was the scene at Castlehaven at around 8.30am this morning as around 30 of us gathered to make a pilgrimage to St Bearcháin's Well and then dip in the sea! Holy moly!
This was the brilliant idea of Conor from Gormú Adventure. If you remember, way back in August I went on an early morning swim followed by a trip to the well. Well, today is St Bearcháin's  feast day and it's becoming a thing to make the pilgrimage followed by a dip in the sea. Conor sent me a complimentary ticket. Urghhhh! He also sent one to Finola and we decided to woman-up and go. We rendezvoused in Ballydehob carpark at 7.15 still dark and drove off to Castlehaven. We gathered, most people in massive dry robes and bobble hats looking fierce fit, then walked down the very pot holed and steep track to the harbour. Thank goodness I went for it transpired that I was sort of guest of honour due to the well work and I had the privilege of leading everyone through the glen to the well and taking the first water, all highly auspicious. The water was copious and delicious and holds a cure for sore eyes and rheumatism. It's also good for sickly calves and is taken by fishermen on their boats to ensure a safe voyage. Rather nicely its's still used in baptisms in both the local Protestant and Catholic churches.

Then back and to the water! The craic was mighty as you can see. My feet were absolutely frozen before I even got in the water! Do not imagine a swim was taken, I reckon it was about a 40 second dip with a fair amount of shrieking but some hardy types were off to the rocks and back ! Actually I think the water temperature was slightly warmer than the air temperature. I'm sure St Bearcháin was looking down in amazement. Tea and porridge warmed us up and then Finola and I went for a second breakfast in Skibbereen. Wrecked now but virtuous.

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