Putting Your Best Foot Forward For Good Elf

Today was even greyer and colder than yesterday. Again we didn't really travel that far - only to our nearest market town of West Malling for a bit of food (and wine) shopping.
Unfortunately, our central heating at home isn't really playing ball at the moment. We really need a new boiler but until we can save up a bit more money we'll just have to make do. It's really frustrating me because some days it co-operates and other days it behaves like a particularly stroppy teenager. I sometimes have to perform what I call "the old swicheroo" - which involves turning the switches on and off in the airing cupboard and fiddling with the thermostat until it deigns to fire up. It's driving me slowly round the bend! :-(
I only mention heat because when we were walking around the town feeling frozen I saw through the windows that of one of the pubs - The Five Pointed Star - had a roaring real fire, so of course we had to pop in for a pint and a chance to be less warmth deprived.
Today's shot is of the window display of the town's shoe shop with the brilliant name of "Soles With Heart".

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