
By Sonset25


Very chilly morning.  As I was heading to town decided to walk Kyro early.  It wasn't really a good idea as the side roads and paths were icy, black icy.  Luckily he was sensible and we didn't see anything which could induce him to pull or rear up.  I'd like to think he sensed it was a tad treacherous underfoot but maybe it was just a coincidence.

Just before setting off for town OH rang to warn of a particularly perilous icy bend on the route.  When walking Kyro I'd already seen a school child slip and fall off his bicycle on the black ice.

Luckily warmer temperature had thawed the dodgy parts of my route.  It's nasty slipping on the ice either on foot or bicycle.  The latter is risky as it happens so suddenly and you never know if you'll fall away from or towards the traffic or get tangled up in the bicycle.  

A warning to car owners - please do not wash your car on the street if ice is predicted.  Use a car wash or your own driveway. 

Our afternoon dog walk was ice-free, blue-skied and sunny.  

The blip is some interesting clouds rolling in after our walk.

Veggie sausages, mashed potatoes, onion gravy, carrots and broccoli for dinner.  Felt the need for warming food. 

Now finally chilling out.

Stay warm and cosy everyone the chill is on.

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