Happy Daze

By Dazed

The Purge Begins...

Hauled loads of boxes up from the storage today. We got there, drove in, walked past loads of staff with a trolley, got the lift up to our unit and had been unloading stuff for ten minutes before someone appeared and said 'er...we're actually closed for the Bank Holiday'. Excellent job with the security there then! Perhaps we just looked like we belonged - like the time we walked past crowds of people and press and up a red carpet into the Odeon on Clerk Street where all the staff (in their flashy Odeon capes) looked bemused when we asked for tickets for 'Independence Day'. Apparently we'd walked into the 'Dragonheart' premiere and sure enough Sean Connery pulled up in a limo just as we were leaving (and muttering about how we were going to have to go all the way to the other side of town to see 'Independence Day'). We're not terribly observant.

So this is the first lot of books I've decided to rehome - it's a start! That 'Living with Books' near the front is a lovely book all about creatively storing your - you guessed it - books. I got it free from work and it seemed like a great idea at the time. However all the houses in it are vast New York loft apartments or grand country piles so none of the ideas will really work in my third floor tenement flat. It's a lovely book though - any takers? :)

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