
This slightly comical shot belies a sad story.

AsI walked round the reservoir this morning, admiring the beauty  the  -9 C temperature had created, I noticed five of the swans at one end of the water, while a lone one was at the other. I wondered if its was stuck in the ice. I kept an eye on it. Eventually the family all gathered round it, then slowly, slipping and sliding made their way across the lake. It tried to follow them, and I realised it was stuck. It was flapping its wings, and I could see its feet trying to get onto the solid ice.

I rang the local wildlife hospital, although I knew nothing could be done. It was too far into the reservoir to get to it. They said it is very rare that a swan gets frozen in the ice, and usually manage to get out. I am hoping the sun today may have helped it.

I was going to pop along later today, but knew if it was still there I wouldn't sleep. There is nothing on our local fb page, so hopefully it managed to get out.

I hope they keep safe tonight.

Nature is beautiful, but also very cruel.

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