Life through the lens...

By ValC

Not a tree in sight

Solomon's seal.

I blipped this last year on the 17th May.
This shot is taken from a different angle, looking up through the stems.
I thought it looked like a forest of trees!
Won't bother telling you about the plant again as you can read all about it on the link to last year's blip.
Strange how after the late Spring nature is now catching up.

We have had quite a lot of rain today, and the cold wind again.
Difficult for photographing in the garden as the plants wouldn't keep still!
Now the sun is shining, and the wind has dropped a bit.

I bought some cod from the Grimsby fish van today.
Beautifully fresh, and made some cod fritters for tea.
The batter was made with beer ( Fortyniner, a New Forest Beer from the Ringwood brewery) also had a pinch of ground Coriander, and Cumin added.
Just gave it that something extra taste!

Also served with a sauce bought in Cornwall:
Halzephron, Chilli & plum sauce with fresh ginger.
Goes really well with the fritters. ( and of course home made chips!)

Hope you are all enjoying the weekend.
We have a walk round Malham tomorrow, so fingers crossed the weather will be fine.

MrC delighted Wigan have won the FA Cup today! Well done!

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