Life through the lens...

By ValC


Clematis macropetala "markham's pink.
A long name for this pretty little flower climbing up the ivy on the fence.

I started cutting the ivy back as it is getting overgrown, and then found that the blackbirds were building a nest in it. So will have to wait a while.
I can't see if there are any eggs yet as it is very well hidden.

Wet and windy today.
Usual shopping this morning, and then prepared tea for the grandchildren and Granddad D ( who is looking after them while mum and dad are in Vegas.)

Would you believe it the oven decided to play up again!
Was OK when I made the apple pie, but when I put the chicken in wouldn't get higher then 150C.
However after turning it on and off a few times it heated up to the right temp.
so tea was only half an hour late!
Yorkshire puddings rose to perfection and everything was OK.

Granddad D has gone to his quiz night, and Granddad M and myself are looking after the children. (or rather he is watching football on TV !)

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbMarvin the cat has just done this ! walked across the key board!

Hope the weather is better for the weekend, as it is freezing cold again tonight!

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