Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

How did that happen?

I suddenly realised today that it was only ten days to Christmas. How did that happen? Put up a few more decorations in the conservatory by way of acknowledgement. Enough now. Except maybe I will decorate my office a bit. Spending a lot of time in there at the moment so some seasonal cheer might be a good thing. 

Locked myself out of the house this morning. Long story. Actually not. Meant I had to go and drink coffee in town until 9am which at least meant I got to catch up with my old barista mate Stewart and talked blogging and cameras. 

I struggled being on my own today. Even put on a YouTube video of office ambient sound. Didn’t help. I just got annoyed with the giggling and laughter. I never said I wanted a happy office.

TSM fell out of the pub completely sober and starving just before 8pm having spent five hours at her office party showing incredible self control. 

Hysterically funny "major announcement" by Donald Trump today. His vortex of insanity is sucking in fewer and fewer people and getting more and more bizarre. See the thing itself here
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