Present to me

I’ve been putting it off for ages but finally had another ‘fu*k it’ moment and ordered a new food processor.  It has so many bells and whistles that I had to sit and read the manual before using it.  The old one (only a few months old but completely useless albeit a quarter of the price!) is already on eBay.

I made pastry for mince pies and tiny cheese scones for Christmas and was pleased with my purchase.  I snapped a picture to No.1 who has been saying ‘just do it’ for ages. 

Nothing much else today apart from two trips to Tesco and one to M&S last minute present for MIL and some food shopping but will leave the rest until Thursday. It was completely pandemonium in M&S - is it Armageddon and nobody has told me?   Senior moment in Tesco when buying a Turkey crown - saw the price £9.00 thought ‘that’s not bad’ and bought two as we are a large group - failing to realise it was £9.00 per KILO ……. So almost £60 on Turkey and I don’t even like it that much!? 

L&K took No.1 to RM - Day 25 and said she was a star, no moans or complaints.  Also received two cards from ex colleagues offering good wishes for what the family (No.1) is going through . 

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