
By 58jc

Grey day

The day matched my mood.  I couldn't seem to lift it and was grumpy with OH for not writing his osteopath appointment in the diary and then arranging for the floor to be laid on the same day (meaning I had to stay in and miss BP).  I made some mince pies and was pleased with the new floor in the cloakroom.

OH home and not sure why I was in a black mood and asked what he could do.  Nothing was my reply so he was quiet and didn't talk.  We decided on a river walk and the riverbank was muddy and grey but the fresh air helped and I felt better when I got back.  He went off for a quick drink with G who has broken his collar bone and can't drive.  I made another wool felt Father Christmas.

Day started 2/10 but ended around 6/10.  Onwards and upwards

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