On my way to the Foundation Louis Vuitton I took what turned out to be a long route as I wanted to explore the 16th A a little, Rue de Passy. It seemed more like a normal section ie few tourists but plenty of shops and markets and my main one - a fabric store. Passed a knitting store too with three women in there knitting. Just like at home.

The show was amazing. I have studied Joan Mitchell and have several books, seen her work in New York more than once. But some like one I added never not even in a book. So many. It was pretty overwhelming. And great.

I see the point of comparing the two Mitchell and Monet. There is a tiny conversation I think. his palette was dead color wise around hers. So glad my timing worked out. I had been aware of the show early in the fall and it may have been what started this coming here.

The poor old horse had a heavy wagon with a Santa waving away.

And it rained like no tomorrow on the way back but I took their shuttle to the Arch de Triumph and walked only three more miles as opposed to the double and more on way out, and was glad to have my excellent will not blow inside out folding umbrella!

Bonne Nuit.

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