By lizzie_birkett


Lucy had her friend Clarissa over to play and they were feeding the Guinea Pigs.
Lucy was educating Clarissa on caring for them.
No 1 is - Guinea Pigs should always be bought as a pair otherwise one on its own gets lonely and bored. They eat lots of fresh veg as well as dandelions and dried foods.
They need water and lots of cuddles.
Lucy explained it all very well.
They played so nice together.
I met Marc today and we went for lunch.
I took him to get some shopping in Morrisons
and Frank picked us and drove us up the hill to Marc’s flat. He looked tired and a bit down.
I’ll see him again in the next day or two.
Clarissa went home about 7 and then Amelia came home with her friend Orlando for a sleepover. All the girls have been very good and played nicely with each other.

Book and bedtime - Goodnight;-)X

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