Brighter But Still Busy

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A handy little app for tracking our son and daughter-in-law’s progress from Kinloss down to Falmouth overnight. 710 miles, fifteen hours with stops, there’s probably slightly longer drives on mainland U.K. but not many. I checked where they were before falling asleep and when I woke they were here.

Another busy day, collecting Christmas from M&S in Truro then Sainsbury’s in Falmouth. Josh and I headed off to meet the Epic members who had been for a Christmas Lunch at the Greenbank. What I though would be a couple of beers and then home turned into a lot of beer followed by a curry at the Balti House before arriving home to some disapproving looks from the ladies of the house - and rightly so.

Carried away with Joshua being on leave is my only excuse.

The good weather gives a clear view out over the bay during Paddy’s walk but it’s not to last, rain is on its way.

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