Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Peace dove.

The Feast Day of Saint John the Evangelist, Apostle, Gospel writer in the New Testament and Evangelist.
It is 8c. More easy to enjoy than minus eight, definitely. God is merciful even in the not obvious life experiences. A potentially miserable but not necessarily, rainy cold Tuesday.
Indoors mostly.
I am having a testing time!
The worst of it is unavoidably dropping the very things that I treasure.
For example, it was my Tablet, twice.  The screen is ruined. Waiting now for a replacement glass screen but they sent the wrong size one, so a longer wait than hoped for. This afternoon, a glass bottle of half full Olive Oil.
So distressing. Broken glass on the floor tiles. A trip hazard until I swept it up.
I mopped it up and now feel the loss of the oil badly.
I hope your day is never doomed with big or such terrible disasters.
Thank you for visiting this site.
Prayers "not to be cursed" by more of the same "droppings" would be good. I suffer some arthritis in the hands, but it was not that, that caused the sudden breakage of the glass bottle of oil.

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