Lala's Journal

By Lala


A Christmas present, in my box from Gareth, his mum is so talented!

It took me ages to get motivated to even get dressed this morning, and I’m not sure I’d have even bothered if I hadn’t needed to walk Dog. Eventually we ventured out and then I realised I was out of my prescription, and I also needed stamps for a couple of letters. So, off I went, paid for parking to find everywhere closed. It was my brother who later reminded me it was a bank holiday today! 

I know that my life is different, and strange, but it comes in such unexpected ways. B and I loved the days following Christmas with cold Turkey, leftovers etc. so, given that I had the turkey crown in the freezer, just in case, I cooked it off anyway yesterday. Two days now, I’ve eaten it with salad, pickles etc and I really am not enjoying it at all. It was only a small one, said 5-6 people, but I’ve not even eaten an eighth of it, and I’m fed up! Do I want to make pastry, or curry? Big no to that, so what to do with it? Seems so wrong to waste it. I’ve also not touched the cheeses, just can’t raise my previous love for them. 
A busier day tomorrow. Coffee with Moira and then lunch with Megan and Ben who are coming to see the bench.

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