
By Madchickenwoman


I was hoping to blip an advent window featuring swans - but couldn't find the house - which is pretty amazing given our village is small and I had a map!!Once home I realised I'd misread the map!! I intended to go down again with Oscar for his eve walk but the rain put me off! We had our morning walk in the dry but as soon as we arrived home the rain started and never stopped! 
I tried the crochet blanket again - still not right! Eventually my sister tried doing a panel - she too got a wrong piece following the written instructions - but got it right using the chart which I had forgotten about! So I tried again but still wrong so went up a hook size - better but still a couple of mistakes! Thank heavens for crochet being quick as I took it back to the start again! I think it's going ok now - hurray!
We watched a Christmas at Harewood House - which left me feeling uncomfortable. The family still live there and open it seasonally, it was also used for the filming of Brideshead Revisited and more recently Downton Abbey. The family made their money through sugar plantations and the slave trade. It's a stunning house built by in 1771  and is known as a treasure house for it's artwork and Chippendale furniture - including a bed only slept in by two previous monarchs! The current Earl held a lot of events often linked to the Arts to commemorate the bicentenary of the abolition of the slave trade. However all this wealth was made through the slave trade - and the family continue to live there and it's this that made me uncomfortable. The house and grounds are "run" by Harewood House Trust and is registered as a charity, the family have a minority membership on the Board of trustees. They open their house and have various other enterprises on the land they own, to make money to continue the upkeep and to live there. So essentially people are still paying them to live there!!! They may well be nice people - but they are still part of the elite in England, in 1922 Henry Lascelles married Princess Mary, the only daughter of George V, they are educated at Eton and Cambridge and of course the house was built on the profit of the slave trade.I would take away their titles and evict them from the house! Make it open to the public all year round! I'm all for Labour abolishing the House of Lords too! As for the Royal family .......!!!
OK rant over!

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