Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Today we all went into town (after the gym, of course). I had a coffee and snack in mind, but that didn’t eventuate. Everywhere was too busy.

Archie loves going shopping, which is odd. Actually, we met a couple of other schnauzers. He gets a lot of attention, and many treats in shops. Unfortunately, he got a big treat in the shoe shop, gobbled it down, and then caused a bit of a scene when he kind of choked it up again. Then he kindly licked up the mess. (The assistant who’d given him the treat, did get a mop…)

We happened past a certain shoe shop that I’d been in the other day, and went in. This time I asked for my size in a SALE shoe I’d seen the other day, but had assumed (wrong!) that they didn’t have my size (I couldn’t be bothered asking). They did. The assistant was a very helpful young woman who couldn’t do enough for me, and the upshot was that I’ve ordered TWO (different) pairs! And though the sale price on the label had even more off at checkout, making them a very good buy, I’ll just keep one pair, and test them properly at home.

As the chance of a coffee and cake became less likely, my thoughts turned to returning home. And on checking my bus app, there was a bus in 4 minutes! So off I shot, trying to beat the bus along the road. Fortunately, the traffic was slow moving so I got to the bus stop well before the bus.

Meanwhile JR and Archie, keen shoppers both, continued for an hour or so. Such stamina!

A curiously red photo taken in low light, though still daylight, will have to do today.

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