Kyrgyzstan felt decoration

I got this wee one when we were in Kyrgyzstan a few years ago - I try to get some kind of tree bauble when we travel. The village where I bought this was famous for its felt work. Anna bought a beautiful hat.

I make a very indulgent Nigelissima pudding to take to Carol’s tomorrow for our Hogmanay dinner. I’m really thankful she asked us as for many years we have spent New Year with the friends who have ghosted us. It’s so sad after 40 years but I’m getting over it. We are lucky to have other friends, both old and new.

I experimented from my Persiana cook book with the spiced root vegetable rostis and date and tamarind sauce for us to have tonight. They seem a bit soggy but maybe they’ll cook ok.

Mr C has been in touch with the organisation which is the intermediary between the insurance company and the property maintenance one doing the work. While trying to get the bedroom sorted for Ella we have found more marks on the carpet. They have advised us that everything should be perfectly done before we sign off the work the last of which is to be done at the end of February. And we don’t need to get the carpet cleaned - they will.

He’s had a busy day, cancelling Britbox as it’s now ITVX, glueing tiles back on to the 1930s fireplace, and moving furniture.

I had intended doing my knitting today but it’s already 3pm and the natural light is fading fast so instead I’m going to read a Val McDermid I got at the book swap. I felt a bit daunted when I saw it was almost 600 pages - I feel indulgent reads should be short to allow time for more challenging ones - but it’s well-plotted and gripping and I’m already 100 pages in.

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