The Best Laid Schemes

o’ Mice an’ Men Gang aft agley.

Well I’m not the first this season to be saying that on Blip. Our hostess for Hogmanay dinner phoned in tears this morning to say her husband was unwell with the coughing lurgy. Also he has other serious health issues so she felt it wisest to cancel. I’m so disappointed of course, but more worried about him. He has been in chronic pain for years that the strongest painkillers don’t relieve and various operation have been unsuccessful. She suggested he try cannabis but he won’t so far.

The same thing had happened to #2 daughter - her guests have cried off. #3 and the children are going to a neighbour (Luke is working).

Anyway Mr C and I are going to watch some ITVX (he couldn’t bear The Traitors that I gave a go to last night).

My IMac is finally biting the dust. We are going to discuss my needs with the Apple shop on Monday after Nathaniel’s birthday. It won’t be cheap.

I have booked Mr C’s 79+1 therapy. We are going to go with the daughters to Glasgow for a night, staying at Malmaison and #3 daughter has booked a meal at Le Chardon d’Or. I think he’d like the Riverside Museum one day and on Sunday it’s to be Burrell Collection. I’ve also got us, Katy and Colin tickets for the Proclaimers at Kelso Showground. A couple of friends are flying up from Southampton one weekend. We’ll have his extended family here one day as well so I think we are getting him sorted with lots of different things. I might try to get the old walking group, which is no more, rounded up for a walk and walk supper as well.

Well I’m about to mix an early cocktail. Cheers blippers. I hope you are getting to spend Hogmanay in the way you want whether it is at a raucous party or in your slippers and PJs or the way we’d have wanted, with friends having a delicious dinner. Here’s to 2023.

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