Something New

For the last day of the old year. This is K, who has opened a seaside sauna on Porty prom. People have started using it for real in the last week or so, after a few early testers proved the concept worked. K explained that you start off with cold water, either in the sea or using buckets of water closer at hand, and then in for up to ten minutes or so. It's a moist sauna - water on hot stones - rather than the drier heat of a gym sauna. It reminded me of when I was in the Scouts as a teenager and we used to rig up a sauna on our summer camps. A low, square tent of canvas and tarpaulin and a bucket of rocks heated in a fire, with water ladled on once everyone was inside and then afterwards a dip in the river.  K says this weekend booked up almost immediately and it looks to be going very well so far. You can book a seat in a community sauna, sharing with strangers, or a group can book the whole sauna for themselves. Apparently people loved the rain yesterday as they could just come out and stand in the rain before heading back in!

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