New Years Day

I know that rock’n’roll is associated with drugs, but I’m not sure this is what usually springs to mind. However, it was only by consuming industrial qualities of various cold and flu remedies that I was able to get through last night’s gig. It didn’t help that the venue was absolutely roasting (energy crisis, what energy crisis?) so I spent most of the night in a muck sweat as well.
However, I managed to keep going, though I was dead on my feet by the time we stopped playing at 1am. And by the time I actually crawled into bed it was nearer 3.30am. Three hours later and I was up again, coughing and sneezing, and that has been the pattern for the day. Sadly, I am not alone in my misery as Mrs C is similarly afflicted, so we have been a right pair today.
With plenty of rest today and - hopefully - a better night’s sleep tonight, we might feel a bit more human tomorrow.

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