
By ayearinthelife

New Years Day

This pretty much sums up today. Guitars still waiting to be to be unpacked from where they were unceremoniously dumped at 2am and cold and flu remedies which have had absolutely no effect on the current snotfest Mrs C and I are undergoing.
The last gig with Route 66 wasn’t a roaring success - issues with sound, monitors and guitars rather took the edge off it. Not sure why, as everything worked fine the night before.
In between coughing and sneezing, I did take advantage of a rare dry spell to take down the outside lights. They’re currently strung out in the garage to fully dry before they can be put away.
This afternoon it was yet another trip to Barrow. Not band related this time - it was Stu’s dad’s 89th birthday yesterday and they were having a little gathering to celebrate. Mrs C wasn’t feeling at all well, and didn’t want to pass on her germs, so I went on my own, though I didn’t stay to the end because I wasn’t feeling 100% myself.
Tonight is that rarity of a properly cooked meal, an evening in front of the telly and an early night. Normal service of ready meals and late nights will be resumed tomorrow as we commence final Panto rehearsals before the opening night on Friday.

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